Monday, March 9, 2009

Categories of SINGLES

First of all there are singles still hope to be in a relationship. Some who have been circumscribed by limited opportunities can enhance their prospect by seeking to enlarge their circle of friends and acquaintances. Joining clubs and other organization, participating in social activities and traveling may be of help. others can be attractive by improvement in dress, speech or either attitude. Some persons can enhance their interpersonal skills by overcoming fear and shyness, learning to mix or by increasing their communication tools. Still others can succeed if they sees the search for perfection, remembering that they themselves are not perfect and recognizing that while some basic requirements are crucial,other qualities are optional. A second category of singles is composed of persons who have developed a mental block toward having a relationship with opposite sex because of unfortunate past experiences. Some have been jilted, disappointed or hurt and are afraid to trust again. However, those experiences of the past unfortunate, as they have been, should not be allowed to ruin the future. The dark nightmare of yesterday should not be permitted to destroy the bright vision of tomorrow. "A thought from a single lady before and now living in her perfect relationship with a lucky guy" K_A_T_R_I_N_A

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